Buying a used car?

Concerned about hidden faults and need a quick list of things to look for?

Download Don't Buy a Lemon now — it's free to use!


How does it work?

It's simple. Enter the car details, wait for the results, and look for those common issues. Add the ones you identified to the list, and you can even get an estimate for how much it would all cost!

1. Enter car details

Enter your car details and wait for the results. It's that simple!

1. Enter car details

2. Learn about the common faults

Get a list of the most common issues and learn what to check for.

2. Learn about the common faults

3. Add maintenance items

Add regular maintenance items to see how much they'll cost you.

3. Add maintenance items

4. Get estimates

Select discovered issues and get part and labor cost estimates.

4. Get estimates
Be ready for the Unexpected

Be ready for the Unexpected

Our technology directs you to all the critical areas, ensuring you know what to look for

  • Utilize AI to instantly detect common and rare issues across a vast range of car models
  • Leverage our guides to skillfully spot potential problems during a physical inspection
  • Make informed decisions
Buy with Confidence

Buy with Confidence

Cost estimates generated on the spot will give you solid ground for talking the price down

  • Instant cost estimates at your fingertips, providing solid ground for negotiating the best price
  • Real-time figures for minor and major repairs, including localized labor costs
  • Easy-to-read breakdowns of potential expenses

Don't Buy a Lemon, download the app

Download Don't Buy a Lemon now — it's free to use!


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